Sunday, January 11, 2009


1. Today I feel very--- so-so :)

2. I enjoy --- spending quality time with my husband and my daughter.

3. I am unhappy when --- a member of the family is sick or has a problem :(

4. I feel good when --- i see my daughter so happy and healthy!

5. I wish my boss ---no boss... oh yeah i have my Olin :)

6. My officemates think --- ex officemates ---hmmm, i dunno what they think of me

7. My work area is --- cluttered with receipts, papers and other trash! lol

8. I enjoy reading about --- showbiz chismax, kids, photography

9. I like myself best when --- everyone is happy and i get to see my online earnings!

10. If I had a choice I would --- probably be somewhere in Europe sipping a cup of coffee and going home to my two... :)

11. I wish --- for health, wealth and happy family

12. Tomorrow I would like to --- sleep

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