Sunday, January 11, 2009

ma man

How long did you date? we are dating for almost 8 years now :)

How old is he? he's 30

Who eats more? he does... but blame my slow metabolism that's why it seems that i'm the one who eats more...

Who said “I love you” first? when we were starting? he does!

Who is taller? sometimes him, sometimes me! weird noh?

Who sings better? :P he does

Who is smarter? me! lol... but honestly, i really think he's way smarter than me

Whose temper is worse? HIM! aka MOODY DIAZ!

Who does the laundry? the WM! :)

Who does the dishes? i do! i love doing the dishes... i don't know why.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? :) it depends on who fell on that side after hmmm! lol ;p

Who pays the bills? he does.

Who mows the lawn? no lawn.. hehehe

Who cooks dinner? i'm the official cook! :) but he sometimes cook for us..

Who drives when you are together? he does, but when he's drunk i do handle the wheel

Who is more stubborn? ;)me

Who kissed who first? he kissed me first! **blush**

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? most of the time he does

Whose parents do you see the most? my parents... they are in the house almost everyday checking out the construction et al

Who proposed? he does, of course

Who is more sensitive? the husband is more sensitive

Who has more friends? he has more friends, but i see mine more often

Who has more siblings? he does. 4 siblings

Who wears the pants in the family? he does.

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