Wednesday, January 9, 2008

party approaching

my daughter's birthday is two weeks to go, thus making me in a cramming mode once again, i tell you, it is really hard to have a birthday preparation right after the joyous holiday season! everyone seems to be so busy with a lot of things and talking to them regarding parties and the likes would be like talking to an alien speaking people. so we decided to have things be finalized on the first week of the January right after the busy season. so there, got confirmed most of the suppliers already and only few things are needed to be straighten up. a few nights ago i tested my balloon making skills and had a final out put of flower balloons, because of budget management we opt not to get a professional event stylist for the balloon decors, instead my cousins and i would be the one to that. we are just going to use my husband's air compressor from Delta machinery for the airing of the said balloons. good luck to us! lol.

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