Sunday, February 28, 2010

SOOC - my first!

chocolates and photography equals <3!!!

Now here's my first SOOC (straight out of camera) Sunday entry for you all! Finally found a weekly meme that caters to photography enthusiasts all over the web that can sign on, well aside from different organizations (such as and many more) that I joined too . And so, you'd be expecting a weekly entry from me from now on. And as a mechanic of this meme, the entry must not be tweak and it must be really straight from the camera shot... so there, here is my first entry, the story behind... while my daughter and I are doing our own thing, (she was playing with her littlest pet toys, and I was tweaking my camera while we eat chocolates) I decided to take a snap of what I love my most ( passion wise) and there, chocolates and photography equals love!


Jan said...

Welcome. Those are both great passions. Love your photo. Thanks for joining in, today.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

That is very cute. My son would just run to that M&Ms right away.