Wednesday, July 1, 2009

annoying tag

1. What animal really annoys you and why? :: Does rat counts?! just the thought of it crawling near me gives me goose bumps! ew.

2. Which famous person would you think would annoy you if you knew him or her much better? :: Kris Aquino er, maybe :)

3. On the other hand, which famous person do you think would NEVER annoy you if you knew him or her better? :: Ruffa G. :D

4. What color annoys you and why? :: neon colors! it hurts my eyes so bad.

5. What sport annoys you and why? :: Rugby, I just can't get it.

6. Which TV show annoys you and why? :: Cooking shows with hard to find recipes

7. What is your biggest pet peeve? :: dirty toe nails

8. Which movie annoys you and why? :: Pinoy movies with sing and dance part

9. Which person on earth, famous or infamous, dead or alive, would probably annoy you if you had to live with him or her 24 hours a day? :: Gloria Arroyo and her son Mikey

10. What word annoys you and why? :: inarte!

players: Rachel | Kathyrazzi | your blog

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