Wednesday, June 11, 2008

for the tot

I was checking out some baby furniture stores online to search for an idea on what to get our toddler for her up coming birthday, well not that the second natal day is near, it's in another six months time as a matter of fact. Anyways, its just that we realizes that this is the time of her growing up moments that she knows how to appreciate things, like for example, she sees a colorful chair in the mall, she would jump for joy and giddily approaches the thing as soon as she can! and the smile you got from her happiness is priceless! thats why we would want to give her and provide things she would definitely love. From the sites I searched at, I saw these lovely rocking chair and toddler bed that I'm hoping to get for Olin. If only this things can be shipped at a minimum cost, why not?!

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