Friday, February 19, 2010

Twilight Saga in different covers

I happen to saw this Twilight saga book covers that was released in Indonesia. Pretty cool huh? if you compare to the original cover that was released in the US and most parts of the world. I wonder if this is really ok with the author, no issues whatsoever, that I am not so sure about. Anyways, as for me, I really don't like it. Plain and simple, like if given a chance and I first saw this book having such covers, I wouldn't feel the gut to read it. Well, it's just me and my preference to covers and colors and designs. So there, just my two cents, gotta move on now and go out to buy some adult acne remedy!



Nadine said...

hey awesome. didn't know they had that O_O

peppermayo said...

panira naman to sa symbolism ng original covers :-/